


Teaching Experiences

  • Instructor, Communications and Computer Networks (ELEC 3120)
    HKUST: Fall 2024, Fall 2023

  • Teaching Assistant, Networking and the Internet (15-441/641)
    Carnegie Mellon University: Fall 2022
    Instructor: Prof. Justine Sherry

Professional Experiences

Honors and Awards

  • Paper Awards

    • IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2021 Best Paper Award

    • IEEE ICC 2020 Best Paper Award

    • ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Student Research Competition Gold Medal (the 1st Place) (video)

  • Doctoral Dissertation Award

    • ACM China (2023)

    • Chinese Institute of Electronics (中国电子学会) (2023)

    • Tsinghua University (2023)

  • Awards in my student life

    • ByteDance Scholar (2022)

    • Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship (2020)

    • Tsinghua Top Grade Scholarship (清华大学特等奖学金) (2018)
